Shipping conditions
Country | Shipping costs* | Delivery time** |
free | 1-3 Working days |
EU | 25 € per package, from 10Kg 50 € | 2-4 Working days |
Italy |
Rest of the World |
50 € per package |
4-14 Working days |
* Shipments to non-EU countries may incur additional costs due to taxes or customs duties. These are payable directly to the relevant authorities in the country. They are not part of our invoice when placing an order. For further details, the respective local offices will provide more information.
** The stated delivery dates may be delayed due to local carriers or processing by a customs authority.
Our information on shipping times sometimes deviates somewhat from the actual delivery. It usually takes one to three days after receipt of order until the goods leave our logistics center. If you have any questions about your order or delivery, please contact our customer support. Here you will find quick help at any time.
We ship with:
Beheimatet im Herzen von Ostwestfalen ist die Firma M&K Automatikgetriebe Motorentechnik e.K. Ihr Ansprechpartner rund um alle Fragen zu Automatikgetrieben, Motorentechnik und Auto-Elektronik.
Was uns besonders macht!
35 Jahre Erfahrung
15.354 Zurfriedene Kunden
20 Experten im Team
Unsere Firma
Beckheide 6
33689 Bielefeld
Montag - Freitag: 08:30 - 18:00 Uhr
Samstag: 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Mittagspause: 12:00 - 13:00 Uhr